Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Visit Alganomics' Displays

Alganomics will be busy participating in several community events. Come visit us at the Oak Island 1st Crawl Festival this Saturday, May 14th from 10 AM until 2 PM. For more information, visit the Town's website announcements at .
If you miss that fun and informative event, then come see us at Wilmington's Cape Fear Museum, "Energy Quest" event on Saturday, May 21st from 10 AM until 4 PM. For more information, visit their website at .

Amazing Oak Island!

Alganomics has been working collaboratively with the Town of Oak Island for two years. As negotiations with the City of Southport did not move forward, Alganomics chose to see how the current project could be expanded into the SMART (Sustainable Mariculture and Renewable Technologies) concept. Upon inquiry, it was found that Oak Island has been very progressive and proactive with their "green" initiatives. They have an active Green Initiatives Advisory Board, who have already undertaken some great projects, such as the septic to cistern project. The Town is also working to acheive the NC League of Municipalities' Green Challenge. Alganomics presented the SMART Enterprise proposal to the Green Initiatives Advisory Board, who approved it and recommended it to the Town Council. Dr. Kim Jones of Alganomics presented at the May 10th Town Council meeting, where SMART was unanimously approved by the Town Council. Absolutely everyone with Oak Island has been amazing with their support and encouragement! Expansion will take place in Bill Smith Park, which is adjacent to the current location. Stay tuned for great things to come from this exciting collaborative project, with the Town of Oak Island. 
For more information, see the article in the Wilmington Star News 
or the interview with WECT News at .